Friday, April 25, 2008

my bags are packed

i am off to south-east asia. it is a really long way away. the flight later today is around 15 and a half hours. luckily i haven't really been able to sleep today as i worked from 2-12 (well really 1 by the time i was done) then came back, packed and cleaned up a little. now i am just going to have a little snack and then get a short nap. sleep on the plane.

let's hope the weather gets a little better. i looked at the radar today, it is kind of wet. maybe by the time that i get there in about 2 days it will improve. let's hope so.

oh, so my random thought for the day. so, there is a law in chicago, and I assume the rest of the country that when your dog or other animal takes a crap on the sidewalk that it is your responsibility to pick up said crap. why then, is it permissible for cops to ride around on their horses and allow them to crap all over the side walk without even blinking or thinking that it might be a good idea to clean up after them. they are little land mines when running or biking and i am sick of playing dodgeball with the little turdlets. it is just reprehensible.

that's all for now. i will try to update from the other side of the world.

talk to you soon.

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