Monday, March 2, 2009

moving forward

the foot is feeling better. not sure exactly what was wrong, but a day or so later was walking without any pain. it has been 2 weeks now since i last run, since clearly not a bony injury with no xray findings and no pain any longer, will probably start to play on the eliptical soon.

i have been trying to make lemonade despite the minor set-back that was thrown at me. i have taken this opportunity as a chance to try to swim more and get on my bike. the mileage on both has jumped up in the last week. i swam 120 lengths last week - around 53 minutes, and it felt great. i'll just keep adding distance and time. i could feel that i was getting stronger and faster, and the times proved it. i think i took about a minute off of my 100 lap time earlier in the week, which is why i decided to add some distance. the cycling has increased too. i have been holding >20 mph on the trainer, the last two rides i have gotten in 40 mile rides. as a result, i have finally caught up with my distance from last year. unfortunately i had been lagging behind the benchmark i set last year. i am still clearly behind in the swimming department in terms of distance, but i feel better and faster in the water this year. and well least i had the mileage before the brakes were applied, but hopefully that train will leave the station soon as well.

in other news it appears as if spring might be on the horizon, they are predicting 50 degree days is hard to believe when i drive into work and see the ice covered lake michigan. there is always hope, and it is still only the first week of march.

dinner time, i am hungry.

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