Sunday, December 7, 2008

back in the water

well, almost 3 months later i have finally dragged my behind into the pool. oddly enough, it felt great. granted my arms were a little tired, but i will attribute that to the lifting that i did two days ago and not the fact that i haven't swam in 3 months... the first swim was a nice relaxing 1500m swim, swam basically the entire distance with only a short stop at each 500. which by the way is far better than i have ever been able to do at the start of swim training earlier in the year. i guess i still have a somewhat decent foundation in place, or at least preserved the technique. another month of decent base creation and then come january to increase the load. about 10 months to madison, there is plenty of time, plenty of time.

anyway, i have spent the past several weeks trying to become a runner. trying to develop a more consistent schedule, more frequency. i was doing alright, it is a heck of a lot easier when the weather is nice. running inside on the perpetual hamster machine is a bit challenging mentally at times. but, it will be another several months before i can really start to think about going outside again. the temps don't bother me, but rather i am not really in the mood to destroy an ankle, or even a wrist. so, i will just have to find a way to make the running more exciting. i might try to learn how to run intervals, or maybe even add an incline, maybe oneday i will just let the computer pick a work out for me.

this week i was back on my bike. went for 2 rides. hopefully more rides this week. and more rides of course means more movies, because really, apart from actually getting in shape, watching movies in the winter is seriously one of the best benefits of training on the bike.

oh yea, i got new shoes today. i think it was about time. not sure how many miles they had on them but there was definitely a marathon in there somewhere....

back to more productive endeavors

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