Sunday, January 25, 2009

the training continues

this month has been challenging for training. unfortunately i have about a 50 minute drive from my house to work. it turns my 10 hour work day into a 12 hour day and makes getting a work-out any longer than about 45 minutes rather challenging. i finally had a day off today, no work, no moonlighting, nothing to do, nowhere to be, no worries. it was nice to wake up without an alarm. i had a relaxing breakfast then went to the gym to work out.

i have been trying my best to run as much as i can this winter. i don't have enough time or a regular enough schedule to run every day, but i am trying my best. as such i have spent many days at the gym swimming and then going for a run immediately afterwards. it makes the drive to the gym a little more worth the time. also it makes the day a little more exciting. so today i swam 2000 meters, felt pretty good the whole time and maintained a constant pace. i then got on the dreadmill and ran 4.5 miles. i am methodically ramping up mileage. goal #1 is to stay healthy. goal #2 is to run faster, run smarter, run better.

i have bigger aspirations for madison this year. most of them all revolve around a faster marathon. i think it can be done. but to get there i need some more training and quicker legs.

the daylight is slowly lengthening, a true sign that spring must be on the way...and then i face the cold reminder that it is still january and the temps are still hovering around zero. until then i will continue to be a gerbil and run on my dreadmill.

i got a job

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