Friday, July 11, 2008

the first nightmare

so the nightmares begin...

i have read all about the nightmares, the self doubt inducing, anxiety provoking, angst creating nightmares. well, i had my first one last night.

i was sleeping pretty well, typical of my usual night, head hits pillow and asleep within about 30 seconds.

then the dream begins, i will try to pain the picture. it is sunday morning, ironman day. it is 6:30, i stare at the clock wondering why the hell i am still asleep when the race begins in 30 minutes. crap, i somehow make it to the terrace, but the problems begin. i had forgotten all of my hydration and bottles at the hotel. even worse the security won't let me in the the transition area because somehow my athlete band had been cut off. i looked down and my ankle to find that my chip was missing. so i can't get to my bike in transition, i have no water, no chip, and no band. but somehow manage to have my wetsuit and goggles around my neck. great, at least i might get to race. i look over the terrace into the water to see people warming up. great, at least i am in the right place...but why is it still dark out, the sun should be out by now.

i go to put on my wetsuit, it wont go on. so i run over to where i think the start of the race should be. usually it is a nice calm walk into the water. not last night. there was a giant jump off of a cliff to get into the lake.

i am standing on the edge of the cliff, ready to alarm goes off.

57 days
double crap

the spirit of racine is coming up this weekend. 8 days out with 60% chance of rain....lets hope that forecast gets changed. otherwise it will be a great training day in the rain. last night i commuted home in the rain, that was actually a lot of fun.

hopefully a long run and a long swim this weekend, one more long ride, and a psuedo-taper into the weekend.

that's all for now, this really starting to become real instead of just a pipe dream.

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